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High dynamic range ヨーロッパ サッカー リーグ (HDR)

is a set of methods used in image processing, computer graphics, and photography, to allow a greater dynamic range between the lightest and darkest areas of an image than current standard digital imaging methods or photographic methods.

This wide dynamic range allows HDR images to represent more accurately the range of intensity levels found in real scenes and is often captured by way of a plurality ...

原文配信日時 2016年03月17日 06:48 記者 キム・スジョン 自身のメガビッグ当選番号

HDR is a range of methods to provide higher dynamic range from the imaging process. Non-HDR cameras take pictures at one exposure level with a limited contrast range. This results in the loss of detail in bright or dark areas of a picture, depending on whether the camera had a low or high exposure setting. HDR compensates for this loss of detail by taking multiple pictures at different exposure ...